Going from Single to Soulmate: Best Tips for Creating the Relationship You Crave

Written by:  Lynette Hanover

How can a single girl living in the big city help others find the best most loving romantic partner they have ever known?  After all, I have been single my entire life.  Why listen to me?  So far my magic number is five.  That is the number of couples who have gotten married as a result of my encouragement and suggestions.  It is true that I am not the only one they listened to, yet with my advice as part of the package they moved forward and became husband and wife. Four of the five matches are still together, and beautiful baby girl twins were recently born to one of the couples. That’s beautiful.

You might be thinking to yourself that you are doing everything you can to meet Mr. or Ms. Right and nothing is working.  The reality is that it’s not true that all the good ones are taken, and are you sure that you “tried everything and nothing works?”  You desire a loving positive relationship, and there is one that is just right and getting ready just for you.  The best way to meet the one is to start this very moment by believing you can have a loving relationship, and then be open to receiving the good that is coming straight for you.  Seems simple?  Here’s more to help bring your true love into your life.


Make time to enjoy life

I hear so often how busy people are.   With kids or not with kids this is a very common word that people use to describe their lives. I’m busy.  Well, one of the best ways to transform the overcast effect of “busy” is to open yourself up to enjoy life.  Taking a break, even if for just 10 minutes to go for a walk, to read a positive passage, or watch something funny on YouTube helps create more positivity in your life.  When we are feeling uplifted we have more positive energy, and when you are happier and feeling good about life you are much more likely to naturally attract the kind of person you would like to date.

Being single is not a curse, it is an opportunity

Have you lamented for the 1000th time about how “horrible” it is to be single?  The reality is that it is not truly horrible to be single.   Being on your own for now has so much possibility as this is your precious time to discover more about yourself which will help you choose a person not because they happen to be the one who is there, rather they are the one who has similar values and goals in life.

Respect yourself and know your value

How are you living your life today?   Do you respect your values, time, and beliefs?  Do you know that you as an individual is valuable before any one else is added to the picture?   The best thing that you can do for yourself is respect yourself as one before you go to two.  There are so many times when a person is lost when they enter a relationship as it becomes all about the other person.  The healthiest of relationships are those when both people are fulfilled and have their “couple” needs met as well as having outside interests.

Let Go

What unhealthy habits are you holding on to? Are you thinking that there is no one for you?  I stink at relationships? Men are jerks?  Women are crazy?  Let it all go.   The negative self-talk about dating or “finding” someone could be the very thing that is keeping Mr. or Ms. Right away.  Also, it is very important to let go of old relationships. If there is one that “got away” just maybe that is so the “one” can come in.   If you are pining away for someone let them know.  If the feeling is mutual and you have shared goals about what you each want from the relationship perhaps you have what it takes to embark on the fulfilling, loving, in-love relationship that you cherish.  If you don’t want the same things from each other let go so that you can be ready to embrace the love that is waiting for you.

Have Faith

Yes, it is true that it might seem at times that dating is frustrating when what you really want it a committed loving relationship. The easy way for some is to give up hope.   Surprisingly, I say do it.  I highly recommend that you tell “Hope” goodbye, and welcome into your life “Faith.”   Faith is knowing, not convincing yourself, that what you want will be yours.

Be open

The greatest love might not come the way you expect, and he/she might be missing attributes on your “must have” list.  I don’t mean the top 5, I mean #11 or beyond.   Being open to who a person is and connecting in a deep way is much more important than other uncontrollable attributes such as age, height, hair color, etc.

Two quick tips

When you see someone you might be interested in simply say hello and ask them how their day is going.

Keep an eye on upcoming social events in your area.  When you are talking with someone you are interested in include some of these activities into the conversation and see if they might be interested in attending one with you.


Above all else…

Treasure life today and positive things will come to you very naturally including the love of your life.


I welcome your comments and ideas.  Feel free to post here or I can be reached at lynette@lifeofhappiness.com.


Love & happiness…



© 2013 Lynette Hanover, Life of Happiness


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Lynette Hanover has lead life-affirming workshops in Chicago since 2013, and is available to assist local groups, organizations, and individuals embrace joy in living through a customized approach.  Coaching appointments are available to help clients focus on achieving what is most important in life through self-love, respect, and appreciation.  For inquiries, Lynette can be reached at lynette@lifeofhappiness.com.   Web site:  www.lifeofhappiness.com


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